9/11/2021: Lets Get Along

The best way for Americans to honor those lost on 9/11, is to get along.

We need to stop quibbling, and start listening to Mom. "Be nice" even if someone else isn't because "two wrongs don't make a right."

Remember, there are "two sides to every story" so "don't judge another until you've walked a mile in their shoes." "Be the change that you want to see" because "well done is better than well said." And for goodness sakes, get off Nextdoor.com and "go outside and play!"

In the days following 9/11, American hearts were united. To get back there and simply be happier, we have to stop wanting to be right and instead focus on doing right by others. Never forget, "united we stand, divided we fall".

Yankee Stadium 2001: Singing NYC police officer, Daniel Rodriguez, heals a nation.